Thursday, March 29, 2007

too many choices

"we should not make the intellect our god.
it has powerfule muscles, but no personality."

Yeah, I'm always asking 'why', 'how', 'who'. But that's ok. My hero says, "the important thing is not to stop questioning." So, I ask, why am I so focused on productivity and efficiency. How come I have to keep a close watch on the time so that I don't "waste" too much time on pleasurable activities. Jewish work ethic, right?

Eh, I'm falling asleep as I write this. Better stop...wait, one more thing...I've been through livejournal, facebook, and myspace. Now I'm blogging, expecting different results? Right, why is it such a good thing to have massive amount of knowledge at our fingertips, and tons of choices of what to do with that knowledge?

Here's an experiment I'd like to do one day: take one group of people with PDA's and one group with traditional planner books that you write in. Does it take more time to get all the events into the PDA than it would take just to do one of those events. In other words, is there such a thing as electronic organization over-kill?

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