Tuesday, May 13, 2008

not artificial intelligence

Just something I thought about last Sol Day (05/11/08):

Instead of AI it should be called NBI where
NBI = Non-Biological Intelligence
BI = Biological Intelligence

NBI(-) = Non-Biological Intelligence less than that of the average biological intelligence
NBI(+) = Non-Biological Intelligence greater than that of the average biological intelligence

*Note: There will be a standard error to the above two terms because our measurement of biological intelligence is not very reliable.

Lastly, in reference to when we merge with NBI:
ABI = Augmented Biological Intelligence (it is assumed that the augmentation is by a NBI(-))
CI = Companion Intelligence (it is assumed that the companion intelligence is NBI(+))

As for the issue of whether or not the superior intelligence of the "companion" will make all the decisions for the less intelligent biological aspect of the pairing, well, I'll leave that up to you, dear reader.

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