Monday, April 2, 2007

legal mp3's

I have decided, after purchasing music from i-pod and before that illegally downloading mp3's from bit-torrent sites, to only buy my music directly from bands that sell their songs directly to their fans as high-quality (think 320kbs) mp3's.

as for the on-site computer consulting business, I'm in the "I don't want to do this anymore because it's not my dream-job". So, this week, I am making time on Thursday to meet with a Dean of Letters and Science at UC Berkeley to request a retroactive withdrawl for a semester that I went south due to psychiatric problems (which is a legitimate medical withdrawl that I have taken before for the same reasons). The effect of this being that my gpa will be highly improved when I apply to graduate schools in December 2007. Besides that, I will be spending time this week trying to talk with graduate researchers at my alma mater to get some kind of helper research position, paid or not. Oh, all this is for the field of neuroscience. My dream-job is to study the neurological basis for mental illnesses (including the psychiatric, geriatric, and developmental).

That is all.

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